So today I was watching ‘malgudi days’, where I came across this scene, in which the children in the classroom are taught about “the lifeless idols”, and “having faith in Christ”. The teacher also mentions about Krishna and Jesus comparatively which is interrupted when Swamy questions his teacher these :

  1. If He didn’t, why was He killed?
  2. Why did He eat meat?
  3. Why did He drink liquor?
    After which, the teacher pinches Swamy’s ears but never answers his questions.

Even I didn’t know why Jesus had died until a year ago, honestly. I wonder why only a few people educate us on what Jesus did for you and me.

I decided to try answering the above (though not completely). Let’s go!

  1. Why was He killed?

A) He came for the very reason – to die for you and me.๐Ÿ™„

The charges upon Jesus was that He claimed to be God (John 19:6-7). Well, of course, HE WAS. (Refer John 1 or read the whole Bible or experience yourself)

B) Next,
John 3:16 READ IT! John 3:17! John 3:36, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, John 5:24-25, JOHN 1!!! (actually read the book of John and Paul’s letters for more as my explanation is too little)

In short, If God judged me and you righteously, you know where we’d end up.
HE PAID THE PENALTY FOR ALL OUR SINS (not just sinning by action, by our very nature and state). +
HE TOOK OUR SHAME ON HIM (He was hanged naked on the cross). +


There’s still so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ I’m not able to contain in just one post.

You may think, why did He have to do this when He had all power?
Yes, If He willed, He could have done anything. But for Him, you and I were important, which is why He silently shed His blood and took our judgement of sin and death upon Himself. He took our curses, sicknesses, shame, guilt, poverty, everything upon HIM. And then He cried out ” IT IS FINISHED”.

C) You may wonder, why bloodshed?
For anyone who is a slave, a ransom must be paid to set them free. I was a slave to sin, to the curses, to sickness, to this world (if you know me, you know!) and for me to be released from this slavery, a price had to be paid, the price of sinless, spotless blood because, without shedding of blood there’s no remission of sins (Refer Hebrews 10&11). *FYI, you need someone greater than you to free you, hence, righteous blood had to be shed for a sinner.

Okay, I’m tired of typing so much. ๐Ÿ˜…
There’s so much to share, like, way too much.

FYI, HIS DEATH WASN’T THE END. HE was resurrected on the third day. HE LIVES!

2&3) Why He ate meat and drank liquor?
Excuse me, that’s called ‘wine’. Just like we have curd down south, the Jews had wine. The wine they used also had medicinal properties. Also, nowhere it’s mentioned that Jesus was intoxicated. To people who think Jesus drank the wine you booze today, do some research!
Next, about meat. If you read Genesis 1 carefully, you’ll know that God gave plants as food to man. I don’t know from where meat-eating evolved (I will let you know when I know). Jesus ate meat, He was 100 per cent man and 100 per cent God, He hanged out with regular people, so much that He was called “friend of sinners” and ate with them. Now, draw your conclusions.

I’m so tired. Will try making a voice recording or something next time.

Published by Deborah Mahima

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